Spreading The Word
We will be highlighting the most important white stork research on this page, soon, including studies done by University of Brighton into the storks’ feeding preferences at Knepp. We’ll also be pulling together a Bibliography for further reading.
As well as our educational resources, which we’ll continue developing, we visit schools and communities to spread the word about white storks.

Tools for Schools
Everything about the storks from their ecology through to their behaviours and wonderful migrations can be used as an opportunity to engage young people with the National Curriculum as well as inspiring them to reconnect with nature.
The resources we have developed below are free to download and edit for your own needs in schools, colleges and home education settings. We will be adding to these and welcome any feedback.
Is there a resource you want but can’t find? Get in touch. We may be able to build it.
Year 7 – 9
White Stork Project KS3 Scheme of Work (Power Point) - Lesson 1
Delve into the world of the white stork using a set of lessons aimed at Key Stage 3 students, designed to complement the Science, Geography and Maths National Curriculum. In Lesson 1, get to know white storks through an exploration of their ecology including a focus on their habitat needs. Key activities include food chain and food web investigations and an exploration of vocabulary.
White Stork Project KS3 Scheme of Work (Power Point) - Lesson 2
In lesson 2 of our series aimed at Key Stage 3 students, find out more about stork adaptations and their reproductive cycle.
Key activities include learning about how the stork has evolved to survive in it’s habitat through fascinating adaptations, and an exploration of how chicks develop. Recall activities on previous lessons and the opportunity for story telling is included.
White Stork Project KS3 Scheme of Work (Power Point) - Lesson 3
In lesson 3 of our series aimed at Key Stage 3 students, there is a focus on the incredible journeys white storks embark on through an investigation into their migration. Using real data from the White Stork Project, students will gain an in depth knowledge of migratory bird journeys. This lesson has a Maths focus and key activities include table and graph interpretations, speed distance and time calculations and graph drawing.
Key Stage 2
White Stork Project KS2 Worksheet 1 - Adaptations
Download a simple worksheet introducing some key terminology on habitats and ecosystems and learn about the adaptations to allow white storks to survive in their environment. Links with English and Science National Curriculum.
Summary Paper on the Project
White Storks Nesting in Sussex
Volunteer and birder Stephen Chapman, researcher Şeniz Mustafa and White Stork Project Manager Laura Vaughan-Hirsch collaborate on a paper summarising some of the findings so far.
This paper describes an innovative project to introduce a wild free ranging population of White
Storks in Sussex. It presents a timeline of the project from start in 2016 and nesting activities in
2020-2023. An analysis of diet is presented based on field observations and an examination of pellet
samples. Post breeding dispersal of young is discussed. Information was assembled from a large
amount of data submitted by volunteers, from social media, GPS tracking and camera traps.